

We believe having a clear school uniform code will benefit the whole school community because it:

• promotes a sense of pride in the school;

• engenders a sense of community and belonging towards the school;

• is practical and smart while allowing for some choice and individuality;

• identifies the children with the school;

• prevents children from coming to school in fashion clothes that could be distracting;

• makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance;

• is regarded as suitable wear for school and good value for money by most parents;

• is designed with health and safety in mind.

Our school colours are NAVY and RED. Michael Hope is our supplier of navy and red tops with the school logo and can be contacted through www.michaelhope.co.uk

If you do not wish to purchase uniform with our school logo available through Michael Hope, then excellent quality school clothes in both navy and red are available from local supermarkets.

Tops of all kinds should have no logos other than our school one, and should be one complete block colour without any pattern or decoration.

Dresses/skirts and pinafores should be purchased from a uniform range and should be navy. For summer, the traditional red or navy gingham dresses are additional to the uniform range. Socks and tights could be red, navy or white, but plain, please.

Trousers and shorts should be purchased from a uniform range and should be navy.

SECOND HAND UNIFORM STALL: The school has a small stock of logoed second hand school uniform – Please see Office staff.

PE KIT: All children need to have a PE kit in a named bag available at school during the week. For all PE and games lessons children need a pair of shorts (or leggings in the winter), a T shirt and daps or trainers. We prefer the children to have navy and/or red kit, particularly when representing the school at competitions, tournaments etc.

SHOES and WELLIES: For health and safety reasons, we need every child wearing robust shoes which are comfortable and practical. We ask that all children keep a pair of named wellies on their class wellie rack, ready for the many outdoor classroom activities. Crocs, heeled shoes and ballet pumps are not appropriate.

JEWELLERY: No jewellery is allowed apart from stud earrings and wrist watches, and these will have to be removed for PE.


PLEASE NAME ALL CLOTHING! Please make sure that all school clothes, wellies and your child’s PE kit and bag are named. We will endeavour to return named items of clothing found at school to the appropriate child.

BOOK BAGS – Books bags are now available online from Michael Hope – www.michaelhope.co.uk

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