Our Christian Ethos

“That they may have life, life in all its fullness’ John 10:10

Here at Batheaston, we are fortunate to be located near and affiliated with St John the Baptist Church. With strong links to our Church, where together we encourage our children to ‘Dream, Aspire and Achieve‘. The very fabric of our school is interwoven with our ethos, our vision and our Christian Values, underpinned by the Biblical narrative of ‘That they may have life, in all it’s fullness.’ John 10:10

Values for Life

As school community, we are in a privilege position to influence and guide the developing Christian values of the children in our care. We understand that children learn values at school from relationships, everyday classroom interactions and from the example set by teachers and adults within the school. We believe that values are principles or convictions that act as a guide to behaviour, supporting children to become well-rounded individuals.

Values theme for Autumn Term 1 – THANKFULNESS

Easter Celebrations 2023

The video below was lovingly filmed by Cara a parent and videographer, as a thank you for all our support and guidance throughput the Lockdown of 2020. Enjoy!

Building our strong Christian foundations, we develop our pupils spirituality, enabling them to leave us as kind, motivated pupils who aspire to be their best. We realise our vision through the implementation of our RECIPE Values and our 5 C’s.

SIAMS Report July 2023

RE Policy

Collective Worship Policy

SMSC Policy

Approaches to Learning (5 C’s)

The 5 C’s Poster

RECIPE Values Poster

Values for Life – 3 Year Programme

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