The children really enjoyed ‘Story Telling Week’ last week and there were some great activities going on across the school all week. A big thank you to the children and families that took part in our challenge ‘Story in a Box’. The creativity on display has been amazing. Some boxes are displayed in the classrooms, and there is a lovely selection in the lobby area near the hall. Please do take a look.
This week we are looking forward to celebrating the NSPCC Number Day, where there will be a strong focus on how maths is part of everyday lives. Please look out for a letter with more details.
Diary Dates
Monday 3rd February –
Tuesday 4th February – ADHD Presentation for parents – please see flyer in local community events at 2pm
Folly Farm Parents presentation in Maple Class at 3.30pm
Wednesday 5th February – Year 3 and 6 Swimming – 9.50am
Thursday 6th February –
Friday 7th February- 10am Celebration Assembly
NSPCC NUMBER DAY – come dressed in something Maths related – use your imagination and have fun with it!