
Our Governing Body

At Batheaston Church School we are fortunate to have a committed team of Governors.  These dedicated individuals freely give up their time to contribute to the continued improvement of our school, using their range of skills and talents. The main roles of the Governing body are:

  • To provide a strategic view, focus on the key issues of raising standards of achievements, establishing high expectations and promoting effective teaching and learning.
  • To act as a critical friend, provide the Headteacher and staff with support, advice and information plus drawing on it’s members knowledge and experience.
  • To ensure monitoring is rigorous and asks challenging questions.
  • To promote the interests of the school and it’s pupils.
  • To hold leaders to account for educational performance of the school and it’s pupils, and the effective and the efficient performance of staff.
  • To oversee the financial performance of the school and making sure it’s money is well spent.

The full Governing Body meets five times a year. In addition to this our sub committees meet regularly with a focus on key areas such as school improvement, admissions, business and finance. 

Batheaston LBT Constitution – Terms of Reference Document

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