Friends of Batheaston School

Welcome to Friends of Batheaston School (FoBS)

Batheaston Church School has a successful, friendly and committed parents association called FOBS. We have so far raised over £65,000 and equipped the school with many resources including an amazing new playground and creative space equipment, iPads, theatre/sound equipment and library resources to name just a few. As school budgets are squeezed each year, every penny raised is essential for enhancing our school.
FOBS is about much more than simply fundraising. We exist to provide closer links between home and school and it is an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together socially in support of the school.
All parents and members of the school community are encouraged to get involved, even if they only have a small amount of time available. We run a huge range of events from the big money raisers to the ‘just for fun’. Favourites include discos, Winter Fayre and “Meadowfest”, a fantastic local festival in our very own Mike’s Meadow, bringing together the whole community.

Who are FOBS?

As a parent at the school you are automatically a member of FOBS and we also warmly welcome grandparents, carers, former parents and friends to get involved in our events.
FOBS is a registered Charity (Number 1192255) and governed by the Parentkind Constitution.
We hold our annual general meeting (AGM) at the start of each year in January. At this meeting a committee is elected, normally consisting of a chair, treasurer and secretary. Additionally, we will try to appoint at least one parent from each class as ‘class reps’. Their job is to pass on information to other parents in the class and gather support to help run events. You can see the most recent AGM presentation here.
Your elected committee for 2024/25 are:
  • Chair & Trustee – Emily Holden
  • Treasurer & Trustee- Peter Cossins
  • Secretary & Trustee –  Position currently vacant
Current class reps are:
  • Apple – Rosie/Kelly
  • Cherry – Silvana/Natalie/Jessie
  • Willow – Gab/Sophie 
  • Elm – Emily  
  • Hazel – Clarey/Emily
  • Maple – Gab/Jo
  • Oak – Kate/Ali
If you would like to get in touch, please speak to your class rep, a member of the committee or email us at [email protected] 

How do we raise money?

Fundraising is mostly through the events we organise and sponsorship from local companies. We also use easyfundraising. Select Batheaston Church School as your cause and the school will receive donations when you shop with major retailers, at no extra cost to you. 

Upcoming events

March 7th 2025 – from 7pm


Donate now

You can use Paypal to donate to FOBS and even set up a monthly direct debit.

Boost your donation by downloading and completing the Gift Aid Form and emailing it to [email protected]

You can also donate directly (and choose to set up a direct debit) into the FOBS bank account.
Friends of Batheaston School (FOBS)
Lloyds Bank
Sort code 309890
Account number 16985968

What does the money get spent on?

ALL the money raised by FOBS goes back into the school. The money raised has equipped the school with many resources, from outside play equipment to books, carpets, iPads and most recently a new kitchen for the children to cook in.
How can I get involved?
  • Talk to your class reps, ask them how you can help them out.  
  • Come along to the next FOBS meeting and just listen, then if you feel up to volunteering for something, you can start small or help out with organising an event!
  • We are also keen to help the school tap into the wealth of Batheaston families’ talents: if, for example, you are a keen gardener, DIY enthusiast or artist, we would love to hear from you.
  • Or simply come along and support our events and donate!
The best way to keep up to date with FOBS events is to follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
Welcome and thank you for supporting us.

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