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Spring Term 1 ‘Dinosaurs Roar’
This term the children will embark on a very exciting pre-historic adventure. With the help of Andy from CBeebies ‘Dinosaurs adventures’ the children will learn about these amazing creatures that roamed the Earth some 66 million years ago. Following the children’s interests we will learn about the different types of dinosaurs, what they ate, where they lived and how they became extinct. The children will be in training to be Palaeontologists, just like Mary Anning. Through all areas of the curriculum, we will immerse ourselves in the world of dinosaurs. In science we will use this opportunity to learn about past and present, we will look at fossils and artefacts, go on an Archaeological dig in Mike’s Meadow. In maths we will discover how big these animals were and in art we will use our imaginations to re-create dinosaurs and the world they lived in. First we begin with a special package – all the way from Mexico… who does this large bone belong to?

Our Vision Statement for EYFS at Batheaston Church School
At Batheaston Church School we endeavour to promote a love of learning; where interests and talents are nurtured and challenged, empathy is fostered and friendships formed. A child entering Apple Class will embark on a creative, engaging learning adventure. Our environment is rich in first-hand experiences with time given to dream, aspire and achieve. Independence is encouraged and risk-taking is celebrated within safe and secure surroundings.
As a team we are passionate about the education of young children. Activities planned provide a wide range of opportunities to enable children to play, work, collaborate, apply skills learnt, test ideas and narrate their inner imaginings. We aim to build children’s academic, social and emotional well-being so that they can thrive both within our walls and the world beyond.
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