At Batheaston Church School, online safety is a key element within our Computing curriculum. We offer a whole school approach, acknowledging the digital lives of our pupils, whilst providing support and guidance on how to navigate the positives and potential risks online. We place an importance on understanding what websites and apps our pupils regularly engage with, therefore, giving us a unique perspective of an ever-changing digital world. We provide teaching and learning experiences that are both discreet, through computing lessons and through cross curricular links, such as PSHE and RSE. Online safety is fully embedded throughout the year, however, we do always take part in ‘Safer Internet Day‘ where all age groups focus on key aspects; this year the theme was ‘Together for a better Internet’. Please click on the link below to access this year’s newsletter, based upon the work covered over a week.
Please see attached the documents relating to how we keep children safe online. You may also find the following links useful:
Microsoft Teams – parent guide
Please always feel free to contact Nikki Macbeth, our E-Safety co-ordinator, if you have any concerns or would like further advice.
Interland is a free, web-based game that makes learning the ways of the web a fun, engaging and hands-on experience. Kids are invited to play their way to Internet Awesome and become fearless explorers of the online world in a quest to deny hackers, sink phishers, one-up cyberbullies and outsmart oversharers. Use the link below to enter the world of ‘Interland’
See useful documents below:
Social Media Guidance for Parents Poster.pdf