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Here at Batheaston Church School, we pride ourselves on being a warm, friendly and happy place where children thrive on the belief that their dreams and aspirations can be achieved. Through our 5C’s of Communication, Collaboration, Compassion, Critical thinking and Creativity, we strive to provide our children with the best opportunities and experiences to enhance their educational journey.


The teachers are looking forward to meeting with you over the next two weeks, to update you on how well your child has settled into the new school year, the progress they are making and any targets they need to work on. Sign up sheets are outside of classrooms from today, so please come and grab a slot. If neither date is convenient, please phone the office to book a separate appointment as it is important all parents touch base with the teacher.

We have a visit next week from Tom Morrison who is our assistant director of education. He will be morning in classes and spending time in the afternoon
with senior leaders, analysing the school’s performance and the next steps to being an excellent school. We are recognized by the Trust as being a strong good in most areas with the other areas being recognized as excellent, so we want to keep doing what we are doing but even better!

Diary Dates

Monday 14th October – Assembly – Introduction to this weeks ‘NSPCC – Speak out and Stay Safe’

Tuesday 15th October – 9am – Willow and Cherry Class on a History walk around the village

Tom Morrison visiting – all day

Maple Class – Forest School Session (am)

Wednesday 16th October

Bath City Football to work with Elm and Maple Class at 1.15pm

Thursday 17th October – Parent Meetings – 3.30pm

Y3/4 Football Match against Bathampton – 3.45pm

Friday 18th October– 10am Celebration Assembly

Willow Class Multi-Sports Festival at Bathampton

KS1 Disco – starting at 5.30pm

I like how the teachers support us if we are finding it hard.


We get great educational learning. This school is supportive, fun, sporty and sets us up for adulthood


The teachers are always by your side here and it is amazing to be able to play with your friends everyday in our fun playgrounds.


I like our school because we all look after it and work together as a team. I like the teachers because they are kind and caring.


I love all the fun ways we learn. I really love maths and writing!


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